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Introducing Helen, Founder and Keeper of the Bees

“Early on in my beekeeping journey, I became aware that my friends and family were fascinated by my exploits and adored the raw honey from my bees.  But, I wanted to tell them that bees are so much more than honey -  I wanted to convey the message of sustainability, biodiversity, and the power of pollinators. So I created Friends with Honey, and the rest is history.”

Helen is a certified permaculture designer, a member of the Victorian Apiarist Association and a passionate beekeeper.  She has traveled the world working in the field of sustainable tourism and events and has been a lead judge for the Victorian tourism awards.

Beyond her business, Helen is a custodian of 45 acres of rural conservation land in the Pyrenees shire of Victoria, a sanctuary thriving with diverse Australian wildlife. Her vision extends to nurturing future generations as passionate stewards of nature. Her infectious enthusiasm and dedication to education ensure a legacy where love for the planet perpetuates through inspired minds.

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