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Blue Banded Bee - photo credit - Karen Cox.jpg

Powerful Pollinators Program

Friends with honey are proud to present the Powerful Pollinators Program. This series of five workshops gives participants a deep dive into the fascinating world of our powerful pollinators. We discuss the linkages between pollination, biodiversity, sustainability and citizen science.
Photo credit: Jenny Cox


 Introduction to permaculture

Permaculture is a design system that offers practical ideas for how humans can provide for ourselves whist regenerating the natural world.  In this workshop you'll gain some practical knowledge to start your permaculture journey.

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Beekeeping basics

Backyard beekeeping is a fascinating and occasionally profitable hobby. Hives can be kept in most parts of Victoria — including cities and towns.  In this short course we'll teach you what you need to know to get you started on your beekeeping journey.


Pollinator friendly gardening

The best way to 'save the bees' and other pollinators is to create an abundance of diverse habitat. In this workshop, we'll cover what you need to know about encouraging pollinators into your garden. Be a friend of the pollinators and say it with flowers.

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