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When I tell children what I do for a living, I often start by saying I’m a farmer. Then, I elaborate and tell them I’m a bee farmer, beekeeper, or apiarist. But in truth, I like to think of myself as a biodiversity farmer. We have 45 acres of rural conservation land in the Pyrenees Shire of Victoria, in a little place called Amphitheatre.  It’s a small slice of paradise, surrounded by hills and mountains. Best of all, it’s an incredible wildlife corridor where creatures come and go with the seasons, and the same goes for the flora and fungi and even the microorganisms in the soil. I’m always amazed at how life just magically appears as the climate and conditions and food sources change.

Helen Charles - Beekeeper and Biodiversity Farmer.

Over the years, I’ve been documenting these changes by taking photographs and recording observations using a wonderful app called iNaturalist. In a nutshell, iNaturalist is a social network for nature enthusiasts who want to expand their knowledge of the natural world around them. It’s also a powerful citizen science tool: the data collected by everyday people can help scientists and land managers make informed conservation decisions. It’s a seriously awesome app if you’re a nature nerd like me!

A few years ago, I had the privilege of writing the Citizen Science Toolkit for Parks Victoria. This resource offers a comprehensive overview of Citizen Science and guides people on how to record biodiversity using iNaturalist. It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to get involved in this fast growing global community.

Recently, I had an encounter with a fascinating little beetle on our farm. It was feasting on insects that were, in turn, feeding on a dead animal carcass. The beetle had a bright red head with a central black spot in the middle and a shiny blue-black body. It looked so cool and a bit sinister! Since I’d never seen this beetle before, I took multiple photos from different angles (a great tip for aiding identification) and uploaded them to my iNaturalist account.

Devil's Coach Horse beetle, Creophilus eryhrocephalus, prowls with its striking red head and predatory presence.

Thanks to technology, the app quickly provided suggestions based on image recognition and data from similar species observed nearby. This distinctive creature was identified as a “Devil’s Coach Horse” beetle. How cool is that name?  From there, I was able to learn more about it. The Devil’s Coach Horse is a voracious predator that feeds on a variety of invertebrates, including maggots (fly larvae), and is typically found in rotting animal carcasses. This beetle has been associated with the devil since the Middle Ages and is also known as the “Devil’s Footman.” Watching these accomplished predators in action felt like a scene from survival thriller ‘Squid Game’. Other insects feeding on the carcass were in a precarious situation, risking their lives with the prize often coming at a deadly cost!

Five kilometers up a 4WD track, on my farm, surrounded by nature’s food web, I’m able to fill my head with knowledge and truly understand the ecosystem around me with some help from iNaturalist.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of exploring and recording biodiversity in your local area, have a look at my Citizen Science Workshop. This workshop is designed to inspire and empower participants to use tools like iNaturalist to document and contribute to conservation efforts. Whether you’re a seasoned nature enthusiast or a curious beginner, this is a fantastic opportunity to deepen your understanding of the natural world while making a meaningful impact.

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One of my lifelong passions is distance running, and I’ve always lived by the motto "rain, hail, or shine." Whether it’s a chilly morning, a downpour, or a summer scorcher, I lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement. But when I became a beekeeper, I quickly realised that the world of bees operates under a very different set of rules.

Bees are highly dependent on the weather. While I’m out running regardless of the conditions, bees are much more selective about when they venture out for their marathon foraging sessions. And when I say ‘marathon,’ I mean it - bees can visit anywhere from 50 to 100 flowers in a single foraging trip, depending on factors like the type of flower, distance between blooms, and nectar availability. Honeybees are incredibly efficient, often making multiple trips in a day, with each lasting from a few minutes to over an hour. During peak foraging periods, a single bee might visit several hundred flowers in a day.

Understanding the weather from a bee’s perspective is crucial for any beekeeper. Here is a look at how rain, hail, shine, and a few other variables affect our buzzing friends.

A perfect day for bees on our farm
A perfect day for bees on our farm

Rain: Bees Don’t Have Raincoats

While a light drizzle can be refreshing during a run, it’s a different story for bees. Heavy rain poses a significant risk of death or injury; bees flying through a storm are unlikely to fare well under a barrage of raindrops. Moreover, a bee’s remarkable navigational skills rely heavily on the sun, so when dark rain clouds roll in, it’s like someone has disabled their GPS. Rain can also wash away pollen from flowers, leaving bees with less to collect, and it dilutes the nectar in flowers, reducing its sugar content. Since bees are connoisseurs of nectar, preferring it rich and sugary, they often hold off on foraging until flowers have replenished their nectar supplies after a storm.

Hail: A Serious Hazard

Hailstorms present another challenge for bees. Long before the first hailstone falls, bees can sense changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature. The tiny hairs on their bodies are sensitive to electrostatic buildup in storm clouds, acting as an early warning system that can trigger a rapid retreat to the hive. Inside, the bees cluster together to maintain warmth and protect their queen - a critical behavior that helps them survive the storm. Strong winds that often accompany hail make it difficult for bees to control their flight, increasing the risk of injury or being blown off course. During a hailstorm or strong winds, bees hunker down, waiting for calmer skies.

Shine: The Sweet Spot for Bees

Sunny days are the bees’ equivalent of perfect running weather. With temperatures between 18°C and 32°C, bees are at their most active, foraging efficiently and keeping the hive in tip top shape. Sunlight is essential for their navigation and locating flowers, making warm sunny days ideal for their work. While mildly overcast skies are still acceptable, heavy clouds or darkness can significantly reduce their activity. On a calm day with a light breeze, bees are in their element, buzzing from flower to flower, gathering the nectar and pollen they need to keep the hive thriving.

The Beekeeper’s Motto: Sun, Sun, Sun

One of the best ways to learn about bees is by observing them. You’ll notice that they’re most active on warm, sunny days, typically between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This is the perfect time to open up a hive, as most of the forager bees will be out and about, leaving the hive quieter and less likely to become defensive.

Opening a hive on a wet or windy day, on the other hand, is asking for trouble. Bees are more likely to sting when they’re stuck inside, just as you’d probably be cranky if cooped up indoors all day (this brings back memories of COVID lock downs!). So, while I may stick to "rain, hail, or shine" for my running, my beekeeping motto is definitely more along the lines of "sun, sun, sun" - as The Beatles would say.

Bee Education: Working with Nature and Respecting the Bees

In our Bee Education and Bee Incursion programs, we discuss how bees react to different weather conditions and how the weather affects the actions of the beekeeper. By understanding and By understanding and respecting the bees' needs, and working with them rather than against them, we can help ensure that our bees remain healthy and productive—rain, hail, or shine! the bees' needs, and working with them rather than against them, we can help ensure that our bees remain healthy and productive - rain, hail, or shine!

Making learning fun and engaging is what inspired us to create the Friends With Honey Musical Kids Show Album. A classic and hugely popular song on the album is a folk-pop cover of The Beatles’ "Here Comes the Sun." An ode to growth and the return of summer, this song is used to educate children about why we see more bees during the warmer months.

Friends with Honey Musical Kids Show Album
Friends with Honey Musical Kids Show Album

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When you think of honey bees in Australia, it’s likely the image of the familiar European Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, comes to mind. But did you know that before European colonization, there were no European Honey Bees in Australia at all? In fact, these industrious pollinators only arrived on Australian shores in the 1820s, marking a significant milestone in the country’s agricultural history.

European Honey Bees came in 1822, aboard the merchant ship Isabella.
European Honey Bees came in 1822, aboard the merchant ship Isabella.

The Journey of the European Honey Bee to Australia

It is generally accepted that the first successful introduction of European Honey Bees to Australia occurred in 1822, aboard the merchant ship Isabella. The Isabella embarked on a 125-day journey from Cork, Ireland, to Sydney, carrying not just 200 male convicts but also the first hives of European Honey Bees. These bees were crucial for the fledgling colony, as their role in pollination would soon become a cornerstone of Australian agriculture.

The Skep Hive: A Traditional Home for Bees

During the voyage, the bees were likely housed in skep hives, a traditional type of beehive made from woven straw or grass. Skep hives are dome-shaped structures with a small entrance hole, and unlike modern beehives, they lack removable frames or foundation. While skeps were used for centuries, they posed significant challenges. The absence of movable frames made it difficult to manage the hive and inspect for pests, parasites, and diseases - a task essential for maintaining a healthy bee colony.

The Evolution of Beehives
The Evolution of Beehives

The Evolution of Beekeeping: From Skep to Langstroth Hives

The difficulties associated with skep hives were eventually addressed by Reverend Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, an American clergyman and beekeeper. Langstroth is often referred to as the "Father of American Beekeeping" due to his invention of the Langstroth hive, which revolutionized beekeeping practices. The Langstroth hive introduced removable frames and incorporated the concept of "bee space."

Bee Space refers to the specific gap, typically around 6-9 mm, that bees leave between the honeycomb and the walls of the hive. This space allows bees to move freely within the hive without building excess comb or gluing everything together with propolis, also known as bee glue. The Langstroth hive's design, which respects this natural behavior, made hive management much more efficient and less intrusive for the bees.

The Impact of European Honey Bees in Australia

The successful introduction of European Honey Bees to Australia had a profound impact on the country's development. These bees became essential pollinators, supporting the growth of crops and the expansion of agriculture. Today, European Honey Bees continue to play a vital role in Australia's food production and are responsible for pollinating more than 53 major food crops. This vital pollination service ensures the successful production of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, which underpin healthy and diverse human diets.

The journey of the European Honey Bee to Australia is more than just a historical anecdote; it’s a testament to the resilience and adaptability of these remarkable creatures.

Bee Education: European Honey Bees and Agriculture

In our Bee Education and Bee Incursion programs, we delve into the vital role that European Honey Bees play in Australia's food production systems. These bees are more than just honey producers; they are key players in the agricultural industry, providing essential pollination services that contribute to the growth of a wide variety of crops.

Beekeepers, who manage and care for these bee colonies, are crucial to ensuring that these pollination services continue. Through careful management practices, beekeepers help maintain healthy bee populations, which in turn supports the sustainability of our food supply. In our Bee Education programs, we discuss how beekeepers contribute to agricultural success and explore the symbiotic relationship between bees, crops, and farmers.

Make learning fun and engaging was what inspired us to create the Friends With Honey Musical Kids Show. This show features bee-inspired music that educates and entertains, making it easier for children to understand the importance of bees in our ecosystem. Through catchy songs and fun performances, we bring the world of bees to life, helping young audiences connect with these incredible insects on a deeper level. Whether it's learning about pollination or the daily life of a beekeeper, the Friends With Honey Musical Kids Show has songs and stories for big minds, little minds and everyone in between!.

Friends with Honey Musical Kids Show Album
Friends with Honey Musical Kids Show Album

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